Nightmare at 20,000mg.
“Oh, Mr Darcy!” cried Jane in delight. “You’ve brought so much cheese!” Darcy had been busy the whole day, scouring cheese shops for the tastiest and rarest morsels for Jane to rub on her nipples. It was a strange hobby but he was willing to indulge it, particularly given the size of the dowry he could hope to get when he finally got the stupid cow down the aisle. Then it wouldn’t be long before she met an untimely end at the hands of a runaway grizzly bear… then everything would be his!
dream sequence ends
Hitler woke up on a plane. Why had he been dreaming about Pride and Prejudice? Why was Samuel L. Jackson shouting about snakes?
dream sequence ends
William Shatner woke up on a plane. Why had he been dreaming about being Hitler? Why was there a gremlin on the wing? Why was he holding a tricorder?
What the fuck even was a tricorder?!