wolfie.me :: Wolfie's Scribblings

Emergency Commercial Break

Sorry, Mystic Meg!

After that extended emergency commercial break, I’d just like to assure you that Mystic Meg is absolutely fine and has been taken to hospital for tests purely as a precautionary measure. At this point it would, of course, be totally inappropriate to make a “she didn’t see that coming” joke. But more importantly, despite Concept Bazooka being a show that counts Gods and black holes amongst its contestants, which broadcasts questions on the astral plane and which asks contestants to recklessly edit the base code of the universe, even we know astrology is total bollocks. As always, we will accept corrections in the form of peer reviewed papers from scientific journals of good standing.

Now, let’s get back to the quiz - Team Spatula, please get ready to throw your vinyl records at the clay pigeons in 3, 2, 1…